- Luke Harms wrote a great response to Mark Driscoll's parable about poverty theology. Like Luke, I am exponentially more pleased with my kids when they want to share what they already have. Particularly when they see a need.
- This post from my friend Katie is 2 weeks old, but I forgot to post it last week and it SO deserves a mention. In it she talks about her man and it's absolutely beautiful.
- Matt Cannon wrote a fantastic post about the falling satellite and trust.
- I really liked this post from Kristin Tennant about our need for community. I think she nailed it.
- While this isn't a typical cartoon from David Hayward (nakedpastor), I thought it was absolutely stunning. I'm so thankful for the people I have with me in the journey.
- And for listening? Do not download a single other thing before buying Gungor's new album, Ghosts Upon The Earth
. Absolutely brilliant. I haven't liked something this much since David Crowder Band's A Collision
. While I in no way care if the music that I listen to is explicitly Christian or not, it is always a treat to find explicitly Christian music that is also phenomenally creative musically. And folks, this is just amazing. (My favorite so far? Brother Moon.)
- When you're done downloading and listening to the Gungor album, check out this fantastic episode of Star Talk with my nerd crush, Neil deGrasse Tyson, where he interviews Jonathan Coulton and Moby. If you're a musician, I would suggest that this is required listening.
What have you read/written/watched/listened to this week that moved you? Link it up, my friends!
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