
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stuff I've Been Reading

Late again...I know. Sorry. I will get back in the swing of putting this together in advance so you don't have to wait all day.

  • If you don't read another thing in this compilation, please, please, please read this post by Tamara Lunardo over at Deeper Story. The writing here affected me (and many other). I am so honored that Tamara is one of the contributors to the Not Alone book. 
  • In absolutely gorgeous writing, David Nilsen wrote an amazing post this week, giving us snapshots of life through the years and ending with a beautiful reveal. 
  • David R. Henson wrote a poignant piece about the forgotten man that was executed on Wednesday. It's easy to oppose the death penalty when there's doubt about the guilt, less so when we KNOW he's a bad guy.
  • Jason Boyett posted a progressive intro to Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood from 1967-2000. It made me and my oldest son cry. 
  • My friend Matthew Paul Turner lost a dear friend today. His post asks us to do something simple today for Sara. Just breathe.
  • Don't forget to tweet or post Nuru's video! There have been some, but I'd love to get to 50 by tonight. Thanks for your help!
  • As I mentioned at the top of this post, Tamara's post wrecked me this week (all week). This morning on the drive to church I popped in Sikkibahm to listen to and the song Baby came on. If you haven't listened to it before, click it and fix that.
What did you write/read/watch/listen to this week that moved you? Share away!


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