This weekend absolutely sucked.
On Friday night, Jason and I decided to go on the first date we'd had in over four months (the last time we went out was on our anniversary, back at the beginning of January). I got all dolled up in a cute dress and sexy (read: uncomfortable) shoes. We got halfway to our dinner destination and got a call that our youngest son was puking, so we had to abandon our plans and head home.
On our way home, we decided to pick up some Chinese from our favorite place here in town. Unfortunately, it has new owners and is now absolutely terrible food. I had some of the worst General Tso chicken I've ever tasted. Absolutely wretched.
On Saturday, Jason and I went to pick up some new (read: new to us, but really very old) furniture. When we were getting it, it started to pour down the rain. Then we went to get a bottle of tequila so we could make margaritas for Sunday night after graduation. Except that it was an election day in WV and apparently stores are prohibited from selling liquor on election days (not beer and wine, just the hard stuff). And the next day was Sunday (Blue laws here in WV), which meant no margaritas. Jason fell on the steps bringing the new dressers up to the girls' room and the tremendously heavy furniture landed on his leg.
Because we were busy Saturday night moving furniture, I had to supervise showers on Sunday morning for the younger kids, which meant that we had to wake up extra early, even though this was a week that I didn't have to play in church. When we got home, Jason had to run out the door to get to commencement on time. I then had to get the kids packed (and explain that I had told them
all day Saturday to charge their games so they could play them so don't talk to me about how it doesn't have enoughchargeit'stimetogo!!!!). We had to stop at WalMart on the way to pick up something that I forgot to get just 2 hours earlier. Then we got to the school, had to park almost a mile away from the ceremony and had to walk in the rain, getting to the ceremony at 1:59 when it started at 2.
After graduation, Jason's parents hosted a dinner for him at a local restaurant. Jason wanted to order a steak to celebrate his graduation, but they had run out before we got there. When we got home, we were so tired that despite our plans to enjoy a celebratory shot of Polish Vodka that Jason brought back from his trip, we just ended up falling asleep in bed.
The End.
This weekend was absolutely kick awesome.
On Friday, Jason and I got to have our first date in four months. We dressed up all fancy-like and got to spend some time catching up in the car (my favorite place for conversation). Even though our date got cancelled and our replacement supper was horrible, we had a huge laugh about it being Friday the 13th. And Jason picked up a bottle of my absolute favorite
local wine while we were waiting for our food to be prepared, and THAT was fantastic.
On Saturday, we were able to get some new dressers from my sister for the girls. Their furniture was in bad shape and we had planned to purchase new furniture for them, so this was a huge blessing as it saved us a ton of cash. They were fantastic pieces in great shape and plenty large enough to hold all of the girls' clothes and then some. They look great in the girls' room and they love having dressers that have all of the drawers so they can keep things looking neater (especially my younger daughter, who got some wayward organized gene that clearly skipped over me). My father in law was kind enough to help us move this really heavy furniture upstairs and even when it landed on Jason, there were no injuries, other than a bit of a bruise on his leg.
On Sunday, the church service was really great. Awesome music (the band played
The Cave by Mumford and Sons and it rawked super hard), a fantastic sermon (expect a post inspired by that later this week) and good conversations.
When we got home from church, we sent Jason on his way to commencement, got the kids packed in the van and off we went. We were running a bit late and had to park far away and had to walk/run in the rain, but we were able to catch a ride in a golf cart and were able to make it to the ceremony in time thanks to family who got there on time and saved us seats!
The ceremony was absolutely fantastic, the kids were well-behaved and we were able to hear Jason's name and see him receive his diploma with honors. The 12 of us were even loud enough with our cheers to cause a slight pause before the next name (though we neglected to bring our cowbells and air horns, which made us less prepared than some of the others in the crowd). I cried when they did the conferring of the degrees and everyone moved their tassel to the left. It was absolutely beautiful.
Jason shaking hands with the Dean
Jason waiting to receive his diploma |
We had a wonderful dinner, complete with our on-purpose
cake wreck:
Congradjasons! Kum Latte |
Even though Jason didn't get the dinner that he wanted, he had a great meal, we were surrounded by people who love us and we even got two gigantic banana splits.
When we got home, the kids went right to bed without any complaints or fussing around. Jason and I were exhausted, so we curled up in bed and watched The Naked Gun and laughed together. After 18 months of mostly sleeping apart, it was a delight to fall asleep in one another's arms.
The End.
So much of the past 18 months could read like this (especially the past year). There have been parts of it that have been brutally hard. Jason has had to exist on minimal sleep for most of the past year. The kids have rarely been able to spend time with their dad. We have had very few family meals together. Jason and I haven't been able to sleep in the same bed with any regularity. It has really sucked.
But! Jason finished something that has been a goal of his for years and years. The kids have learned to appreciate their dad a lot more. I have had great friends who have helped me keep my sanity during these months. What time Jason and I have had has been very precious to us (and I know we'll appreciate more the coming months when we get to spend a lot more time together). It has been really amazing.
To those who have supported us during this season, we can't even begin to thank you for all you've done. We are profoundly grateful for your friendship and encouragement.
To my kids, thanks for hanging in there. We should be able to have a real summer this year.
To my hubby, you are a rockstar. I can't even begin to say how proud I am of all that you've accomplished. I love you desperately and cannot wait to see where life takes us next. Thanks for helping me always find the funny. You've got some terrific bass, baby.
Have you had a season recently that could be considered both awesome and suckish? Are you generally more of a "half empty" or "half full" kind of person? What cake wreck would you like to have at a party?