
Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Dream of Soup

Petey Potato - He makes a good soupphoto © 2005 Paul Hart | more info (via: Wylio)

It's funny. When you pop around the blogosphere, sometimes there will be totally unintentional themes. This week I saw a bunch of my bloggy friends writing about dreams and perfectionism. Tons of good thoughts from folks like Tony Alicea, Jason Vana and Jon Acuff about dreams and Jen Luitwieler and Kristin Tennant wrote about perfectionism and allowing things to be good enough.

And in my muddled brain, I started wondering if my dreams are good enough.

Last week when I did my interview with Knox McCoy, I said that in 10 years I wanted to be going to a soup dinner with my husband and our friends. Of all of the things I could have been dreaming about to happen in my life in 10 years and I pick soup?

Am I just not ambitious enough? Should I be thinking about things bigger and more important than soup?

I'm not sure.

Part 1: Marriage

Interfaith marriages fail at a much higher rate than similar faith marriages. There are way (way) more interfaith marriages now than ever before, but the divorce rates for those in interfaith marriages is somewhat abysmal. I don't intend for that to happen. I love my husband passionately. I intend for that to continue regardless of where our faith journey leads us. I don't think my dream of a happy marriage is too small.

Part 2: Friends

One of the things that I've missed in the past couple of years with Jason working nights and being in school has been the opportunity for us to develop friendships together. So something that I look forward to in the coming years is time for us to find people with whom we both connect. I'm sure we'll have our own friendships with people that are separate (and we're both completely good with that. I'm crazy needy so I don't think Jason will ever complain about my friendships with people apart from him.), but I really look forward to having the chance to make some "us" friends as well. These people enrich our lives and I don't think that is a small thing either.

Part 3: Soup

Soup is good. So good, in fact, that the best show ever did an entire episode about just how amazing it can be. If loving soup is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Maybe I should have bigger dreams. But really? If in ten years a soup dinner with my husband and friends is on tap, I'm going to be in a happy place.


What do you dream about that might not seem like it's very big, but might in fact be huge? What's your favorite soup?


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