I'm a wife. I get to be married to my very best friend. Jason is funny and creative and smart and handsome. I can't imagine getting to share my life with anyone other than him. When I met Jason, I journaled that I hoped to some day marry someone like him. Getting to marry the actual him blows my mind to this day.
I'm a mom. These four little people (less little every day!) that live in our house constantly amaze me. They crack me up on a regular basis and they push me to be a better person. I'm sure the premature grey that I need to constantly cover up is almost exclusively their fault, but I did it to my mom too, so I guess that's just how it rolls.
I'm a Christian. Sometimes that might be hard to see, but it's definitely so. I grew up in the Church and got to know Jesus in 1988, particularly over that summer. Even when it frustrates me, my faith is a core part of who I am.
I'm a bunch of other stuff. This is the part that always throws me in these "about me" posts. The above are the easy labels, but I'm a lot more than that. I love music (listening and performing). I love writing (reading others' stuff and writing my own). I love movies (particularly snarky comedies and movies about friends). I love coffee. I love Zelda. I love texting (this is why I have snagged onto Twitter big time). I love conversations in the car. I love soup.
I love meeting people on the internets. If you want to talk to me, you can comment on any post (I almost always reply) or you can email me at alise.writes@gmail.com.
I'd also love it if you would subscribe to my site. Just click the button below!
Can't get enough of my writing here? You can find more below:
Guest posts on other blogs
- Rachel Held Evans: Surviving a Conversation with an Atheist and The Day Nothing Changed
- Hemant Mehta: How an Atheist Made Me a Better Christian and What Was I Waiting For?
- Jason Boyett: Shaken and Stirred
- Shawn Smucker: Blank Page, Blinking Cursor
- David Nilsen: Swimming in Poo
- Jen Luitwieler: Call Me...A Writer?
- SomeWiseGuy: 4 Keys to Marriage Enrichment
- Caleb Wilde: Becoming Disillusioned
- Joy Bennett: Hearing the Song Again
- Tony J. Alicea: My Unfocused Life
- The great Askini: Good Enough
- JBen Emerson: Skilled Workers Needed (Exodus 26)
- Jamie Wright (The Very Worst Missionary): Missionary Positions: How a Wife Does It
- Matthew Paul Turner: Speak Up (You're Not Alone)
- Jeff Goins: Take a Break from Blogging without Losing Your Audience
- Tamara Lunardo (TamaraOutLoud): Cool Like That
- Jessica Buttram: It Ain't Pretty
- Michael D. Perkins: Does Everyone Know?
- Ed Cyzewski: The Lesser Minister
- Preston Yancey: Small Church Heart in a Megachurch
In print
- Contributor to The Practice of Love
- Editor & Contributor to Not Alone: Stories of Living with Depression
Contributing Author